That's right, people-types. Lauren is gearing up for the cons. :) This is just the beginning; I've got so many stacks of comics to assemble, I'm getting a worse headache just thinking about it!
so here is the small starting list, and the first one isn't a con:
Mar. 5: SCAD Minicomics Expo
Mar. 19: Captain's Comic Expo
April 23: Fluke
Captain's is up in Charleston, SC; Fluke is up in Athens GA. I guess it's good to start small. I'd love to go to SPX this fall as well; I shall have to consult my MASTER LIST.
If anyone has any suggestions for smaller comic cons within a few hours of Savannah in the coming months, or a few hours of Cincinnati in the summer, I would be EVER SO HAPPY to hear them!!! :D